Dowser implements recently developed phylogenetic tests to detect measurable B cell evolution from longitudinally sampled data.
The goal of this test is to determine if a B cell lineage has a detectable relationship between mutation and time. If a lineage is accumulating new mutations over a sample interval, we expect a positive correlation between the divergence (sum of branch length to the most recent common ancestor, MRCA) and time elapsed.
This step proceeds as in tree building, but it is important to
specify the column of the numeric time point values in the
step. In this example we are using simulated
data from timepoints 0, 7, and 14 days. Filtering out clones that
contain only a single timepoint is not strictly necessary but can
improve computing time.
Note it is critical that the clone object is formatted properly using
with the trait
option specified
to the sample time. The sample time must be
# load example AIRR tsv data
# Process example data using default settings
clones = formatClones(ExampleAirr, traits="timepoint", minseq=3)
# Column shows timepoints in dataset
#0 7 14
#62 102 225
# Calculate number of tissues sampled in tree
timepoints = unlist(lapply(clones$data, function(x)
# Filter to multi-type trees
clones = clones[timepoints > 1,]
# Build trees using maximum likelihood (can use alternative builds if desired)
trees = getTrees(clones, build="pml")
Once trees have been built, perform the date randomization test using
the function correlationTest
. By default this test will use
a clustered version of the date randomization test that corrects for
issues like biased sampling of cell subpopulations, as well as types of
sequencing error.
# correlation test with 10000 repetitions
test = correlationTest(trees, permutations=10000, time="timepoint")
# A tibble: 6 × 12
# clone_id data locus seqs trees slope p corre…¹ random…² min_p
# <dbl> <list> <chr> <int> <list> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#1 3128 <airrClon> N 40 <phylo> -0.00205 0.859 -0.173 -0.0257 0.0667
#2 3184 <airrClon> N 12 <phylo> 0.00111 0.497 0.649 -0.00429 0.5
#3 3140 <airrClon> N 9 <phylo> 0.00156 0.335 0.630 -0.00835 0.333
#4 3192 <airrClon> N 9 <phylo> 0.00739 0.498 0.956 -0.00306 0.5
#5 3115 <airrClon> N 6 <phylo> 0.00159 0.244 0.565 0.00236 0.25
#6 3139 <airrClon> N 6 <phylo> 0.00308 0.507 0.821 0.0112 0.5
# use uniform correlaion test (more sensitive, but higher false positive rate)
utest = correlationTest(trees, permutations=10000, time="timepoint", perm_type="uniform")
# A tibble: 6 × 12
# clone_id data locus seqs trees slope p correlation random_c…¹
# <dbl> <list> <chr> <int> <list> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#1 3128 <airrClon> N 40 <phylo> -0.00205 0.856 -0.173 0.00146
#2 3184 <airrClon> N 12 <phylo> 0.00111 0.0768 0.649 -0.00223
#3 3140 <airrClon> N 9 <phylo> 0.00156 0.114 0.630 0.00205
#4 3192 <airrClon> N 9 <phylo> 0.00739 0.110 0.956 0.000223
#5 3115 <airrClon> N 6 <phylo> 0.00159 0.336 0.565 0.00409
#6 3139 <airrClon> N 6 <phylo> 0.00308 0.172 0.821 0.00431
The correlationTest
function returns the same object
that was provided as input, but with additional columns. The most
important of which is the p
value column. This gives the p
value for the test that the observed correlation between divergence at
time (correlation
column) is greater than in trees with
permuted time labels (random_correlation
shows the mean of
randomized correlations). The slope
column shows the slope
of the linear regression line between divergence and time, and
represents the mean rate of evolution over time in the lineage. By
default, permutations are performed using a clustered permutation
procedure detailed in Hoehn et al. 2021.
This adjusts for confounders like biased sampling at different
timepoints and some forms of sequencing error. Uniform permutations,
where the timepoint at each tip is permuted independently, can be used
by setting perm_type="uniform"
. This may increase power for
small datasets, but will likely increase the false positive rate.
Plotting trees with time values on the tips is simple. Just specify
the time column as the tips
value in
. This is detailed in the Plotting Trees Vignette. There are
many ways to customize these plots. Personally, I (Ken) typically use
the following options for visualizing longitudinal data:
# order trees by p value
test = test[order(test$p),]
# Plot times on tree with lowest p value (not convincingly evolving)
plotTrees(test)[[1]] +
geom_tippoint(aes(fill=timepoint), pch=21, size=2) +